The Needmore Community is a neighborhood in the northwestern portion of the Town of Carthage. It does not have defined boundaries but is generally defined as the area north of NC 24-27 in the vicinity of Needmore Road, Old Glendon Road, Kester Road, and surrounding streets. Much, but not all, of the neighborhood is within the Carthage town limits. Historically, Needmore has been a majority African American neighborhood. Most of the neighborhood is made up of single-family residential homes, with a few churches and business uses mixed in.
In 2020, the Town of Carthage enlisted the help of the Triangle J Council of Governments to assist in developing a small area plan to address improvements that could be made to better incorporate the Needmore community into the Town of Carthage overall. There were a number of public meetings between local officials, town staff members and citizens residing in the Needmore area. From these collaborative meetings, a vision statement was defined, development and future growth patterns analyzed, and goals set to help plan for the future of this important area of Carthage.
To view the full Needmore Small Area Plan, click here(PDF, 773KB) .